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Languages of the Mists

Professor Mikael Jacobsen, Dean of Linguistics at Il Aluk University

A simple puzzle for the benefit of my students to help them learn the enormity and difficulty of being a master of linguistics in the Lands of the Mists.

1 2
3                 4
    7                   8  
13   14        
15           16                    
18                 19  
22         23    

3.A scientific language of the Northwest
7.The most common tongue of the Western Core
9.An isolated language of the uneducated and fearful
11.A language quilt of the Vistani
15.The vile tongue of witches and druids
16.A dying language of the singing lands (2 Words)
18.The language of the industrial isles
20.A language that changes its meaning depending on if spoken backwards or forwards
22.Spoken by demi-humans and a single island nation
23."Winter's language"
24.Sigils and guides
25.The common tongue of the Eastern Core
1.The exotic tongue of ghosts in the islands of the Mists
2.The common tongue of the Northern Core
3.A sing-song tongue of a now dead country
4.The tongue of dreams
5.A hieroglyphic language
6.A series of hand signals (2 Words)
8.A desert tongue with growing interest in Port-a-Lucine
9.The language of war
10.The rarest of demi-human tongues
12.The tongue of the bearded fellows
13."Smoke", or the language of undeath and secrets
14.A language without guile, much like its domain's leader
17.A tongue brimming with magic
19.The most populace language of the Southern Core
21.The ramblings of madmen not heard since the Grand Conjunction

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