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Lands of the Core

Lev Iaffe

Like a map all mixed up, it is a good way to learn trivia of the Lands of the Mists! Practice and learn, and enjoy this puzzle.

3 4            
6     7               8
  11 12   13                  
    15 16  
18               19   20  
21 22          
24         25                

4.A haunted forest
7.Beware the cats
9.A backwater civilization at best
13.No one wants to sail here, do they?
14.A country of hot-heads and fools
17.A dark pit of despair? (2 Words)
18.Now absorbed by Barovia
23.Home of the Sleeping Beast
24.An island of mostly fat
25.The greatest songs of the Core
26.The most diversity of the Core
1.Trees and dogs
2.The poorest of the Four Towers
3.A young island nation, growing
5.The worst food and wine ever
6.A wailing cry you do not want to hear
7.The moon-lit forest
8.A land of insanity and magic
10.The richest of the Four Towers
11.Elves call this home
12.Land of the poisonous fogs
15.Horse and mustaches, that is all (2 Words)
16.A terrible place for dinner
19.The Red Tower of the Four Towers
20.The industrial center of the Core
21.The mountains of magic
22.The poisonous Tower of the Four Towers

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