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Tolerance Unit Review Crossword

Ms. Rowe

From "Farewell to Manzanar" "Dyaspora" "Tolerance" Essay by E.M. Forster "The Possibility of Evil" "Montgomery Boycott"

1 2
    10 11             12        
  16       17      

3._____ F. Kennedy gave the Eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr.
5.Forster states that the notion that nations should love one another is:
8.The author of "Possibility of Evil" repeats the idea that there is only one ________ left in town
10.Mama Watkatsuki borrows a _________ for privacy while using the toilet. (2 Words)
13.The author of "Tolerance" says we can start to make the world a better place by being nicer when we wait in long _____ .
14.Martin Luther King, Jr. was made _______ of the movement that organized the Montgomery Boycott?
15.The author of "Dyaspora" writes in _________ person point-of-view in order to address the reader directly and make the story more personal.
16.Forster explains that while love is exciting, tolerance is a _____ virtue.
17.When Martin Luther King, Jr. gives his speech on the FIRST day of the boycott, his goal is to rouse people to action without expressing ______.
1.In "The Possibility of Evil" Miss Strangeworth’s motivation to stop and greet everyone she meets is most like that of a______. A person who meddles in other peoples business.
2.The Eulogy was given after the _______ of Martin Luther King, Jr.
4."The Montgomery Boycott" focuses on the Montgomery ______ Boycott.
6.Manzanar was created because the US government was afraid after the bombing of ________ _________. (2 Words)
7.Of what nationality was the Watkasuki family? _______ American.
9.E.M. Forster uses "_______" to mean putting up with others.
11.All of Miss Strangeworth's letters are _________ or sent without the name of the sender.
12.The word _________ means "scattered people disconnected from their homeland and the new land."

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