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Scratch Vocabulary Crossword

Word Bank
Backdrop, Backpack, Block, Broadcast, Code, Control, Costume, Events, Looks, Loop, Menu, Motion, Pen, Scratch, Scratcher, Script, Sound, Sprite, Stage

4         5 6        
  7             8
9             10   11
14           15                

2.A section of code which repeats
4.Puzzle shaped pieces that join together to create code
6.This is where the Sprites move, draw and interact
7.Yellow colored blcoks that are used to control the scripts.
9.Tells the script when to run and stop. It is orange in color.
12.Allows users to drag and drop costumes, Sprites, sounds and scripts from other projects, so it can be used in their projects.
13.List of options
14.An object or character that is created by the user and used from the library
15.Message that is sent through the Scratch program.
16.A stack of blocks is known as a______
1.Instructions written in computer language, telling a computer what to do.
3.Used to show action in Scratch. It is blue in color.
5.A feature that allows the sprites to draw or plot on stage.
6.A person that uses Scratch
7.Different appearance or version of the same Sprite
8.Used to control the appearance of a Sprite. It is purple in color.
10.The picture in the background of a stage.
11.A free programming language developed by MIT for making stories, games and animations.
14.Audio available as a recording or from the Scratch library

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