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Full House

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4.What did Michelle fall off in at the end of season 8?
6.How many people live in the Tanner house?
8.What did Pam give to Stephanie when they brought Michelle home from the hospital? (2 Words)
10.What's Stephanie's catch Phrase? (2 Words)
11.Who is D.J.'s best friend?
12.Who was princess for a day at Disney World?
17.Where is Becky from?
20.What did Michelle knock over at the museum?
21.What color was the bikes in the "The Bike Thief"?
25.Who was Yankee Doodle in "The Play's the Thing"?
26.What song was Stephanie dancing to during telethon? (2 Words)
29.Michelle and Becky builds a _________ for derby race. (2 Words)
32.What camp did D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle go to, in season 7?
33.What does D.J. stand for? (2 Words)
34.Who Plays Stephanie Tanner? (2 Words)
36.How episode did the Olsen Twins perform in the same scene?
40.Michelle bought a _________ with her lemonade money.
41.What did Pam give D.J. when they brought Michelle home from the hospital? (2 Words)
43.Who is the clean freak?
44.Where did Stephanie and Michelle Accidentally fly to? (2 Words)
46.What does Stephanie always read of D.J.'s?
48.In season four Jesse and Becky got ________.
50.Danny and Becky are the co-host of a local morning television show. (4 Words)
53.Who is the Musician?
54.What did Joey teach Michelle to do? (3 Words)
55.What does Joey buy D.J. for her 16th birthday?
58.Who plays Michelle Tanner? (5 Words)
59.What's Joey's favorite sport? (2 Words)
1.What is the nickname Uncle Jesse Calls Michelle?
2.What season did a Becky give birth to twins?
3.What did Michelle name Goldfish?
4.What is Jessie's birth name?
5.Becky become the new _________ on Wake Up, San Francisco.
7.Where did D.J. spend a summer?
9.Who is the middle child?
13.Danny wants to get her _________ Pierced, Danny doesn't let her.
14.Who did Joey play on afternoon Children's Variety TV show? (2 Words)
15.What is Michelle's main catch phrase? (4 Words)
16.Who was Stephanie's enemy and than became best friends?
18.Who was Danny engaged to?
19.How did Danny's wife die? (2 Words)
22.What episode did Papouli die in? (3 Words)
23.Who is the Comedian?
24.What was Danny for a month in season five?
27.Kimmy helps D.J. sneak ________ in to the movies. (3 Words)
28.Whata Jesse's catch phrase? (2 Words)
30.What did Aaron call Michelle when she came back to the soccer team? (3 Words)
31.Who was D.J. in a serious relationship with?
35.What is Michelle's favorite color?
37.What's the name of the family Dog?
38.What two thing are Jesse obsessed with? (3 Words)
39.What did Jesse inherit and re-open? (3 Words)
42.Who Plays D.J. Tanner? (2 Words)
45.Stephanie almost got into a ________ with Gia and two other guys? (2 Words)
47.What are the names of Jesse and Becky's kids? (3 Words)
49.When Michelle fell off her horse she lost her?
51.D.J., Stephanie, and Kimmy tease Michelle about her ________.
52.Who is Michelle's best friend that moved to Texas?
56.Joey punishes Michelle for ________ during class.
57.Stephanie gives Joey ________ lessons.

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