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Entrepreneurship Vocab 1

Parker Luedtke

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5               6    
7         8  

5.Goods and services sold by businesses and industries in one country to individuals, manufacturers, or governments in other countries
9.The currency used in the United States
10.Trade restrictions placed by one country against another country that is violating international law as a means of persuading the violator to end the violation
12.The movement of money or cash into and out of a business
13.The difference between all monies coming into a country and going out of a country
14.The process of buying goods and services from other nations
1.The money that developed countries give to less developed countries to help with their economic developement
2.The advantage achieved when a nation can produce a good or service for less than another nation
3.The rapid and unimpeded flow of capital, labor, and ideas across national borders
4.The aadvantage achieved by a nation from specializing in and producing goods and services at which it is relatively most efficient
6.The money that a country uses to buy and sell goods and services
7.The difference between the value of a nations exports and its imports
8.The buying and selling of goods and services within a country
10.The process of selling goods and services to individuals, businesses, or governments in other countries
11.The common currency used in many European countrys

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