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Marksoc Crossword

Ezio Auditore

1 2 3
8   9

4.Amazon recently launched its second in house fashion brand for women, Name the new brand. (3)
6.It is a citrus fruit mostly found in South and South-East Asia. Pale-green to yellow in color, it tastes like a grape-fruit. Think marketing. (6)
7.Percentage of people who visit your site but then leave instead of continuing on the site. (6,4) (2 Words)
10.Initiative by an e-commerce giant for small and medium-sized businesses to sell products on the spot online. (6,6) (2 Words)
11.Online travel portal which recently unveiled a new logo. (5)
12.Form of marketing that aims at educating consumers about the products and services on offer. (7)
13.A strategy tool used in brand marketing to help organizations decide on its investments for e.g. what products to add in its portfolio, which market opportunity to pursue etc. (2,6) (2 Words)
14.New sub-brand set to be launched by a leading Indian car-maker. (4)
16.A Global FMCG launched its first active hydration product. Name the product. (8)
1.Amazon recently launched its second in house fashion brand for women, Name the first brand. (6)
2.An iconic Indian car brand of the yesteryears recently sold to a French carmaker. Name the acquiring company. (7)
3.Group which will serve Future Group’s tasty treats at Kirana shops. (6,5) (2 Words)
5.FMCG biggie enters into baby segment under its existing brand (4)
8.An iconic Indian car brand of the yesteryears recently sold to a French carmaker. Name the car brand. (10)
9.Its launch was accompanied by a tv commercial emphasizing on its USP. In the advertisement, a person opens a manila envelope and slides it out to open it and wake it up from sleep. What? (7,3) (2 Words)
15.In late 1700s, a new colony built around in Sydney used this as the official currency. The first regiment to come to the colony became famous as the X Corps because of their trade in rum. When the governor tried to end it, he was ousted in the only armed takeover in the history of Australia. X? (3)

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