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5.01f EC13 Utility


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3.Usefulness created by altering or changing the characteristics of a service (or task) to make it more useful to the consumer\par (2 Words)
5.in charge of studying and analyzing customer satisfaction\par
6.Usefulness created when ownership of a product is transferred from the seller to the user, a consumer finds a product helpful after buying the product/service\par (2 Words)
11.A philosophy of conducting business that is based on the belief that all business activities should be aimed toward satisfying consumer wants and needs while achieving company goals\par (2 Words)
13.A type of sale in which merchandise is removed from the sales floor and held by the business until the customer pays the outstanding balance\par
1.The systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about a specific issue, situation, or concern\par (2 Words)
2.Usefulness created by making sure that goods or services are available at the place where they are needed or wanted by consumers\par (2 Words)
4.businesses measure the consumer\rquote s\~satisfaction to discover a product\rquote s level of utility\par
7.Usefulness created by altering or changing the form or shape of a good to make it more useful to the consumer\par (2 Words)
8.People who use goods and services to satisfy their wants\par
9.Usefulness created when products are made available at the time needed to complete specific business activities\par (2 Words)
10.Intangible activities that are performed by other people for money; productive acts that satisfy economic wants\par
12.Usefulness; capable of satisfying wants and needs, to provide utility a product must provide satisfaction to the consumer\par

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