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5.02c EC2 Risk Rewarded


1 2          
    3 4
5 6         7
11                   12

2.Monetary reward a business owner receives for taking the risk involved in investing in a business
8.All of the expenses involved in running a business (2 Words)
10.Money left after the cost-of-goods expense and the operating expense are each subtracted from the total income (2 Words)
11.Individuals or businesses to whom a business owes money or from whom it wants to borrow money
14.Vendors; businesses from which other businesses buy goods or services
15.Monies that individuals or businesses must pay to the government
16.The amount of money a business pays for the products it sells or for the raw materials from which it produces goods to sell; the amount of money a business pays for the products (or for any part of the products) it sells (3 Words)
17.The system in which people make and spend their incomes
1.The desire to make a profit, which moves people to invest in business (2 Words)
2.An economic system in which individuals and groups, rather than the government, own or control the means of production—the human and natural resources and capital goods used to produce goods and services (3 Words)
3.The money that a business spends
4.Accomplishing a task with a minimum expenditure of time and effort
5.Money left after the cost-of-goods expense is subtracted from total income (2 Words)
6.Items that are used to accomplish another activity, such as producing/providing goods and services
7.The money received by resource owners and by producers for supplying goods and services to consumers
9.A marketing function that involves determining and adjusting prices to maximize return and meet customers’ perceptions of value
12.The quantity of a good or service that buyers are ready to buy at a given price at a particular time
13.The possibility of loss or failure

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