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5.02d EC3 Business Risk


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4.The possibility of loss (failure) or gain (success) inherent in conducting business. People who go into business know they are taking a chance. (2 Words)
5.Chances of loss that may result in loss, no change, or gain (2 Words)
6.not being exposed to risk at all (2 Words)
8.Potential events or situations that can cause injury or harm to people, property, or the environment. A hurricane is a natural disaster, which is one kind of hazard risk. Other natural disasters include tornadoes, floods, and blizzards. (2 Words)
9.act of reducing or removing risks by shifting the risk factor to another person or business, often by purchasing insurance (2 Words)
1.Possible events and situations resulting from employee actions, core processes, and daily business activities. Labor relations are an operational risk. If a union strike occurs, it can upset production for days, weeks, or months, making it difficult or impossible to fulfill customer orders. (2 Words)
2.Chances of loss that carry with them the possibility of loss or no loss (2 Words)
3.Possible events and situations that directly impact a company’s cash flow, internal or external (2 Words)
5.Possible events and situations that can affect the execution of an organization’s long-term plans. Competition can be a strategic risk to a business. (2 Words)
7.A contractual agreement in which one company (insurer) will pay for specified losses incurred by the other company (insured) in return for installment payments (premium)

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