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German History

Lisa Smith

1 2 3
  4                   5  
    6       7    
  8   9      
10             11      
      14     15

4.In 1989, which wall was destroyed, and Soviet Union collapsed?
6.Germany led what kind of powers in World War l?
10.Who became the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?
12.In what age did dukes, princes, and bishops gain power?
13.In the 1930's, what hit Germany unexpectedly and negatively hard?
16.In 1933, which party came into power under Adolf Hitler?
17.In the 1900's what economy did Germany's industrial economy beat?
18.What bombings did Britan become the base for in Germany?
19.Who was the Roman commander who formed a political alliance?
20.The Unification of Germany was achieved under leadership of whom?
1.What was the Nazi's Germany policy aimed to succeed at?
2.What was 1 of the wars liberalism and nationalism clashed?
3.What war divided Germany in two sides: democratic and communist?
5.Which Revolution modernized German economy and led to rapid growth?
7.In 1648, Germany marked the end of which Holy Empire?
8.Which war killed 1/2 of the male population in Germany?
9.Which people are believed to be first inhabitants of Germany?
11.What was the second war where liberalism and nationalism clashed?
14.What person led the Protestant Reformation against the Catholic Church?
15.After pacts in 1939, Hitler and who divided Eastern Europe?

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