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Business Word of Crossing Thing

Wyatt Cascarelli

It has business crap in it and words. Dun dun duuuuuuun.

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4.An income statement is a financial statement that reports a company's financial performance over a specific accounting period. Financial performance is assessed by giving a summary of how the business incurs its revenues and expenses through both operating and non-operating activities
5.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality
7.An employee's gross pay is the money earned from working before taxes and other deductions. An employee's gross pay includes the money they earn from commissions, overtime and tips
9.Money management is the process of budgeting, saving, investing, spending or otherwise in overseeing the cash usage of an individual or group. ... Also referred to as "investment management" and/or "portfolio management
10.money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
11.Financial statements (or financial report) is a formal record of the financial activities and position of a business, person, or other entity. ... A balance sheet, also referred to as a statement of financial position, reports on a company's assets, liabilities, and owners equity at a given point in time
12.the state of being responsible for something, especially by law
13.an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time
14.The equation that is the foundation of double entry accounting. The accounting equation displays that all assets are either financed by borrowing money or paying with the money of the company's shareholders. Thus, the accounting equation is: Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder Equity
1.Personal finance is defined as the management of money and financial decisions for a person or family including budgeting, investments, retirement planning and investments
2.an amount that is or may be deducted from something, especially from taxable income or tax to be paid
3.Net pay is the amount of a person's paycheck left over after any deductions are taken out. This commonly includes federal and state tax withholding, Social Security and Medicare taxes. In addition, any voluntary withholdings, such as the employee's share of medical insurance, reduce the net pay
5.the action or process of keeping financial accounts
6.Owner's equity represents the owner's investment in the business minus the owner's draws or withdrawals from the business plus the net income (or minus the net loss) since the business began. Mathematically, the amount of owner's equity is the amount of assets minus the amount of liabilities
8.a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business or other organization at a particular point in time, detailing the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding period

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