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Alcohol Terms

JoAnn Rell

Vocabulary associated with the history of alcohol and the terms associated with it.

1 2
3 4    
  6 7      
8                   9    
  12 13          

5.a drug that slows brain and body reactions
8.a need for a drinker to hace increasingly larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the same affect
14.microorganisms called yeast feed on the sugars in foods such as grains, grapes, or berries, changing into carbon dioxide and alcohol
15.removing all alcohol from a person's body
1.a period of time that the drinker cannot recall
2.a group of birth defects caused by the effects of alcohol on an unborn child (3 Words)
3.a term used to describe the after effects of drinking too much alcohol
4.a chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person's body or behavior
6.the process of learning to cope with everyday living without alcohol
7.drinking large amounts of alcohol at one sitting (2 Words)
9.the state in which a person's mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol
10.people who drink can no longer control their use of alcohol
11.a disease that causes the liver cells to die as a result of heavy drinking
12.taking an excessive amount of a drug that leads to coma or death
13.symptoms that occur when a dependent person stops taking a drug

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