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2.I would describe myself as spunky, helpful, empathetic, a good advocate and support system. I am a go-to person with a great sense of humor.
3.I play the banjo and harmonica. I am (mostly) vegan.
5.I was suspended for going to the Frosty Boy during an evacuation for a bomb threat. I hold the power for suspension now.
6.I lived in North Carolina for 8 years. I have bowled a 723 series.
7.My mom was born in Ireland and has 11 siblings who still live there.
10.I won a car on the game show "Wheel of Fortune." I have the same first name as my son, father, and grandfather. (not middle name)
12.I created a chemical explosion, where 911 was called, from a gummy bear experiment at an elementary school.
13.I have visited 3 of the "seven wonders of the world" and my last name rhymes with "tried."
14.In 1980, I was the Arizona State Mile Champion at a time of 4:18.2
1.I wrote "Stories From Williamston's Past" and I want YOU to join track!
2.I played the clarinet, drums, bells, and cymbals in the high school band. Magic Johnson was one of my students when I was a substitute teacher at Everett High School.
4.I've traveled to over 25 countries. I played soccer for 15 years when I was younger.
8.I set off the fire alarm at the school this year because I left the toaster oven on without setting a timer.
9.I restore antique jukeboxes. I used to be a scuba driver
11.I can easily beat Isaiah and Hudson on the tennis court. I also play in a handbell choir at my church.

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