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World Geo Unit 6 Vocabulary


Word Bank
Al-Qaeda, Cold War, Commodity Chain, Communism, Continental divide, Culture, Democracy, Devolution, Dictator, Fundamentalism, Genocide, Glasnost & Peristroika, Globalization, Great Leap Forward, Jihad, NAFTA, Nation, Nation-State, Partition, Placelessness, Political Geography, Republic, Scramble for Africa, State, Terrorism, Timothy McVeigh, Transitional Corporations, Treaty of Maastrict, United Nations

1 2 3
6                             7
    19             20 21

4.Is a government in which leadership is determined by representatives who are lawfully elected by the people and whose job it is to represent the people
5.The spatial analysis of political organization on earth (2 Words)
6.Strict adherence to a basic set of principles
9.The ideas of free speech and economic reform that helped convert USSR away from communism (3 Words)
13.European Colonization of Africa (3 Words)
15.A systematic use of violence and destruction to intimidate with a political or social agenda
16.Is a group of people who share certain commonalities
17.An economic and social system envisioned by the nineteenth-century German scholar Karl Marx.
23.The continuous ridge that divides rainfall and snowmelt flowing into the Pacific & Atlantic Oceans (2 Words)
24.A territory that has clearly defined boundaries; is inhabited by a substantial population; and is composed of people who consider their collective group to be a nation, bound by both tangible and intangible ideals maintained by state laws, institutions, and ideology
25.Loss of culture uniqueness and local identity
26.A holy or religious war
27.The systematic killing of a group of people based on ethnicity or culture
28.US army sergeant that bombed Oklahoma City based in personal beliefs (2 Words)
1.Was a social and economic program to help transform China from a society based on agriculture to one centered on industrialization and collectivization (3 Words)
2.Companies with investments and various economic activities, including offices, manufacturing plants and subsidiary companies (2 Words)
3.Government of the People, by the people, for the people
7.The Supranational Organization in the middle of the Rwandan Civil War in the movie “Hotel Rwanda (2 Words)
8.Ongoing process of economic development, standard of living, diversity, political ideology and human-environment interaction around the world
10.Network of production from raw material to production to distribution. (2 Words)
11.A division (of land)
12.A meeting of European Nations to divide and conquer Africa. (3 Words)
14.A shift of power from a central government to a more local or regional government
16.A supranational organization with the goal of raising North American GDP
18.A politically organized territory that is recognized by other states and has clearly defined borders, a significant population, and a government
19.A way of life for a group of people including: religion, language, beliefs, etc.
20.A struggle between Democracy and Communism (2 Words)
21.International terrorist group led by Bin Laden (took credit for 9/11)
22.A government that has an absolute ruler

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