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Business Law Unit 1 Crossword

Ben Ciuffreda


1 2
  3 4  
10 11      
12               13         14     15

5.willful or malicious damage to property either private or public.
6.“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (3 Words)
8.the specific conduct that violates the statute (3 Words)
12.The criminal jurisdiction of the trial courts depends on (2 Words)
18.the killing of another person with malice or intent
19.principles by which its government operates
21.is giving money or property to a public official in exchange for a favor
22.Issued by the Clerk of Court usually at the time of filing the complaint, and is the official notice of the lawsuits
23.A declaration by a witness under oath, as that given before a court or deliberative body.
24.The person or entity against which the lawsuit is brought
1.body of rules created by government regulatory agencies (2 Words)
2.the intentional killing of another person
3.when a person or a business uses deception to obtain money or property.
4.based on an appealed case ruling, an appellate court sets precedence for future cases. (2 Words)
7.an act that is punishable offense against society (2 Words)
9.General term used to refer to papers requesting something or responding to a request that are filed in the case, including the complaint and answer
10.is an attempt to commit a battery against another person (2 Words)
11.it is everyone's duty to know the law and to conform their conduct to the law
12.The civil jurisdiction of the trial court divisions (2 Words)
13.The initial pleading by which a lawsuit is begun
14.deciding what is a right or wrong action in a reasoned, impartial manner
15.The response to a civil complaint
16.An infraction is a noncriminal violation of law not punishable by imprisonment
17.examines whether the action will cause the greatest good for the greatest number of people (2 Words)
20.giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States

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