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Psych Chapter 2

Tyler Hammar and Haillie Vogel

A review of psychology for Mrs. Doyle

1 2 3 4 5
    10       11

8.A change in a participant’s illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment will have an effect rather than from the actual treatment
9.An experiment in which the participants are unaware of who received the treatment
12.Research method that involves an intensive investigation of one or more participants
13.The listing and summarizing of data in a practical, efficient way
14.A situation in which a researcher’s expectations influence that person’s own behavior, and thereby influence the participant’s behavior
15.Describes the direction and strength of the relationship between two sets of variables
16.A measure of variability that describes an average distance of every score from the mean
17.Research method in which data are collected about a group of participants over a number of years to assess how certain characteristics change or remain the same during development
18.Research method in which data are collected in groups of participants of different ages and compared so that conclusions can be drawn about differences due to age
19.Numerical methods used to determine whether research data support a hypothesis or whether results were due to chance
20.The measure of a relationship between two variables or sets of data
1.A graph of frequency distribution shaped like a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve; a graph of normally distributed data
2.A measure of variability that is the mean of the squares of the deviations from the mean of the set of data
3.The group that is treated in the same way as the experimental group except that the experimental treatment (the independent variable) is not applied
4.Any factor that is capable of change
5.Research method in which the psychologist observes the subject in a natural habitat without interference
6.An experiment in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know which participants received which treatment
7.A number that describes something about the “average” score of a distribution variance
10.The group to which an independent variable is applied
11.An arrangement of data that indicates how often a particular score or observation occurs

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