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Chapter 2.4

Rex Schmitz

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2.an agency of the War Department set up in 1865 to assist freed slaves in obtaining relief, land, jobs, fair treatment, and education.
3.addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.
7.were a wing of the Republican Party organized around an uncompromising opposition to slavery before and during the Civil War and a vigorous campaign to secure rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction.
10.prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude".
11.a white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit.
1.the period during which the United States began to rebuild after the Civil War, lasted from 1865 to 1877
4.a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent.
5.a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.
6.was the 17th President of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869; became president as he was vice president at the time of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
8.a secret hate group in the southern U.S., active for several years after the Civil War, which aimed to suppress the newly acquired rights of black people and to oppose carpetbaggers from the North, and which was responsible for many lawless and violent proceedings.
9.was an American politician, a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and a college administrator.

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