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Chapter 5 : Database Transaction Management

Suzana Binti Yusof - Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Dungun Terengganu, Malaysia

This puzzle will test understanding regarding the concept in database transaction management


3.Database __________ is a copy of all or part of disk. It is used when the disk containing the database or log is damaged.
4.A ___________ is reached where all changes are aborted and the database is restored to a previous consistent state.
6.___________ is a series of actions to be taken on the database so that either all actions are completed successfully, or none of them can be completed.
7.Transaction _______ is a table that contains a history of database changes. The recovery manager uses the log table to recover from failures.
8.A ________ statement is reached where all changes are permanently recorded within the database.
9.________________ is the act of writing a checkpoint to log and writing log and database buffer to disk.
10.______________ will restore database to a known correct state after failure.
1.If several concurrent transactions are executed over the same data set and the second transaction updates the database before the first transaction is finished, the _________ property is violated and the database is no longer consistent.
2.This property ensures that once transaction changes are done, they cannot be undone or lost, even in the event of a system failure. it is refers to ________________ .
5._____________ control is a database management system (DBMS) concept that is used to address conflicts with the simultaneous accessing or altering of data that can occur with a multi-user system.

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