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NURS 206 Terminology for Midterm Review

This puzzle explores common terms in community health nursing which may appear on your midterm exam.


2.Database formed through gathered and generated community health assessment data (two words, spaces count as characters)
7.Disease that early PHNs specialized in for education, prevention, and treatment
9.The study of the distribution of factors that determine health related states or events in a population, and the use of this information to control health problems
11.Exemplified by the question "What is the feasibility of applying the treatment or intervention in our setting?" (three words, middle word is and, spaces count as characters)
14.Term that emphasizes reducing the health inequities of a defined population (two words, spaces count as characters, hyphen counts as a character)
16.Type of community nursing practice that involves activities in six specific areas, that protects, promotes, and improves health as well as combines sciences, skills, and values that function through collective societal activities (two words, spaces count as characters)
20.Gold standard for evidence-informed practice (three words, spaces count as characters)
23.Element missing from the population health promotion model created by Hamilton and Bhatti
24.Principle of Primary Health Care
25.In the epidemiological triangle, the bacteria that cause the disease that is affecting a client's health would be best categorized as an __
29.Type of research that focuses on partnering with the community in order to mobilize them toward addressing their health concerns (three words, spaces count as characters)
32.Term that includes disease prevention, community development, and a wide spectrum of services and programs (three words, spaces count as characters)
36.Query involved in the first step of using evidence-informed practice (two words, spaces count as characters)
42.Foundational concept in health promotion that is exemplified by promoting the use of bicycle helmets in school-aged children (two words, spaces count as characters)
44.Health promotion strategy from the Ottawa Charter that involves moving services so that they are more accessible and available to the community which they serve (three words, spaces count as characters)
45.The first point of contact with the healthcare system, often focusing on the initial treatment of a condition or injury (two words, spaces count as characters)
46.The most rapidly growing area of community health care identified in the Romanow Report (two words, spaces count as characters)
47.Dilemma exemplified by the question "How do we allocate resources to two equally needy populations when the resources are sufficient to serve only one?" (two words, spaces count as characters)
48.Type of prevention exemplified by providing case management services that link clients with serious mental illnesses to mental health and community support services (two words, spaces count as characters)
49.Would be low if a client could not read the educational pamphlet given to them (two words, spaces count as characters)
50.Role of community health nurse where they use information and resources to effect systemic changes that shape the way people live
1.Type of thinking exemplified by the question "How can the illness and its consequences be treated?" (two words, spaces count as characters)
3.Type of community health nurse whose role involves promoting health, preventing disease, advocating for clients, providing education, and direct care in a clinic setting (three words, spaces count as characters)
4.Early public health nursing pioneer who became the first direct of Public Health Nursing in the Toronto Department of Health (two words, spaces count as characters)
5.A test that does not test what it was meant to test would have low__
6.Vaccination would exemplify what foundational concept in health promotion? (two words, spaces count as characters)
8.Involves taking the time to understand others' health beliefs and practices so that their health care actions work toward equity and avoid discrimination (two words, spaces count as characters)
10.Historical trend that resulted in home care programs being established in Canada in the 1970s (four words, spaces count as characters)
11.The why of a disease pattern (two words, spaces count as characters)
12.Foundational concept in health promotion exemplified by promoting handwashing to prevent the spread of Ebola in a community stricken with the virus (two words, spaces count as characters)
13.Term that applies to all nurses who work in and with the community in a variety of practice areas (three words, spaces count as characters)
15.Type of community health nurse that receives funding from the private sector (two words, spaces count as characters)
17.Type of community health nurse who ensures the safety and security of inmates, provide direct care, and act as an inmate advocate (two words, spaces count as characters)
18.Involves gathering and generating data, developing a composite database, as well as interpreting the composite database (three words, spaces count as characters)
19.An area of public health activity for public health nurses (three words, spaces count as characters)
21.Foundational concept in health promotion exemplified by needle exchange sites (two words, spaces count as characters)
22.Type of principles required for effective advocacy, including principles like "Acting in the client's best interest" (two words, spaces count as characters)
26.Barrier to culturally-competent care exemplified by the statement "I'm not going to change the way I practise medicine regardless of where the client is from because research shows that Western medicine is the best."
27.What is identified in the first step of ethical decision-making (two words, spaces count as characters)
28.Approach to health best exemplified by describing ways to quit smoking as a positive lifestyle change (two words, spaces count as characters)
30.Type of community health nurse who provides direct care and palliation in the home setting as well as integrating concepts of disease prevention and health promotion (three words, spaces count as characters)
31.Health promotion model with stages like precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation (three words, spaces count as characters)
32.A population health approach designed to prevent disease, promote health, and protect populations (two words, spaces count as characters)
33.Barrier to culturally-competent care exemplified by the statement, "The best way to treat clients from other countries is to care for them the same way we would want to be cared for ourselves." (two words, spaces count as characters)
34.Type of thinking that looks beyond the individual to take a macroscopic, big-picture population focus (two words, spaces count as characters)
35.Involves assisting the community to identify how to use a community's strengths to deal with its challenges (two words, spaces count as characters)
37.Type of prevention that would be involved when providing influenza vaccines in a community (two words, spaces count as characters)
38.type of prevention that focuses on screening (two words, spaces count as characters)
39.Quality, cost-effective outcomes for clients can be promoted by using this. It involves a CHN having a caseload (two words, spaces count as characters)
40.Assessment that involves gathering data on a community by driving around it (two words, spaces count as characters)
41.Approach to health best exemplified by childhood vaccines as per the provincial vaccination schedule (two words, spaces count as characters)
43.A test that shows vastly varying results when taken on the same person, even when taken at the same time has low __

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