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Black History/ Woman History (Last Names)

Reese Gibson

Black Woman / History / Woman


3.joined the Harlem writers Guild, She got the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011.
5.made a watch that kept time for over 40 years, First black intelectual
7.was the most famous handicapped person in the world. She attended Radcliffe College
8.He went to the University of California, he was guard for the Dallas mavricks 1994
9.he was chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He was a civil right activist.
10.He was a 3-time NL MVP. and 1st World Series title
11.He enlisted under Gen. Marquis de Lafayette, He spyed on the british for Lafaette
12.Woman athlete of the centery. She hit 5 home runs in a single game
14.she won a Pulitzer for poetry. she Beat Carl Sandburg as the best poet of Illinois
15.She was the one who didn't gve up her bus seat to a white peron. She worked aside Michigan Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
1.helped hundreds of American slaves escape along the secret route known as the Unerground railraod she helped int he union by being a scout, spy and nurse.
2.Famous for making Harry Potter Books. Helped make Harry Potter land in Universal
3.He was an actor in New York city's first African American theater group, He was Shakespearean actor in England, he played roles like, Macbeth.
4.abolitionist, HE made the African Lodge of the Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of Boston
5.He was the first black Los Angles mayor. He gota degree from law degree from Southwestern Law School.
6.Got a civil engineeringdegree for the University of Iowa, He designed the Whitehurst Freeway
7.she won one Australian Open and four U.S. Opens
9.Author of The Good Earth she was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature
11.Nobel Peace Prize winner,A co-founder the Hull House
13.She was one of the first computer programmers and a leader in the field of software development concepts. She earned a phD at Yale

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