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Coles and Symes Chapter 7 Terms



4.This family resisted the authority of the first two caliphs who succeeded Muhammad but eventually placed a member of their own family in that position of power. They ruled the Islamic world from 661 to 750, modeling their administration on that of the Roman Empire.
8.A cultural and intellectual flowering that took place around the court of Charlemagne in the late eighth and early ninth centuries.
9.The founder of Islam, regarded as God's last and greatest prophet by his followers.
10.Islam's holy scriptures, comprised of the prophecies revealed to Muhammad and redacted during and after his death.
11.(800–1000) The collapse of the Abbasid Caliphate disrupted Scandinavian commercial networks and turned traders into raiders. Name for this group.
12.) The family claimed to be descendants of Muhammad, and in 750 they successfully led a rebellion against the Umayyads, seizing control of Muslim territories in Arabia, Persia, North Africa, and the Near East modeling their behavior and administration on that of the Persian princes and their rule on that of the Persian Empire, establishing a new capital at Baghdad.
13.The Muslim teaching that salvation is only assured through observance of basic precepts: submission to God's will as described in the teachings of Muhammad, frequent prayer, ritual fasting, the giving of alms, and an annual pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj).
14.The name of a small settlement located at the mouth of the Black Sea and at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, it was chosen by Constantine as the site for his new imperial capital of Constantinople in 324. Modern historians use this name to refer to the eastern Roman Empire that persisted in this region until 1453, but the inhabitants of that empire referred to themselves as Romans.
1.As king of the Franks (767–813), this individual ruled much of western Europe. In 800, he was crowned emperor by the pope in Rome
2.This form of monasticism was developed by Benedict of Nursia. Its followers adhere to a defined cycle of daily prayers, lessons, communal worship, and manual labor.
3.(717–787) A serious and often violent theological debate that raged in Byzantium after Emperor Leo III ordered the destruction of religious art on the grounds that any image representing a divine or holy personage is prone to promote idol worship and blasphemy
5.A Frankish dynasty that claimed descent from a legendary ancestor called Merovic.
6.The most authoritative collection of Roman law, it formed the basis of canon law (the legal system of the Roman Church) and became essential to the developing legal traditions of every European state as well as of many countries around the world.
7.The enormous church dedicated to "Holy Wisdom," built in Constantinople at the behest of the emperor Justinian in the sixth century c.e.

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