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Coles and Symes Chapters 8 and 9 Terms



1.___________Comnenus was a Byzantine emperor who requested Pope Urban II's help in raising an army to recapture Anatolia from the Seljuk Turks.
7.One of the foremost scholars of her time, she became the pupil and the wife of the philosopher and teacher Peter Abelard. In later life, she was the founder of a new religious order for women.
8.instigator of the First Crusade (1096–1099), who promised that anyone who fought or died in the service of the Church would receive absolution from sin.
9.The "Great Charter" of 1215, enacted during the reign of King John of England and designed to limit his powers. Regarded now as a landmark in the development of constitutional government.
14.The name given to a series of debates over the limitations of spiritual and secular power in Europe during the eleventh and early twelfth century, it came to a head when Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV of Germany both claimed the right to appoint and invest bishops with the regalia of office.
15.The educational revolution that began in the eleventh century led to the development of new critical methods for framing and resolving complex theological and philosophical problems.
16.Successful alliances forged among the Iberian Peninsula's Christian rulers and their eventual defeat of neighboring Muslim kingdoms.
17.A problematic modern term that attempts to explain the diffusion of power in medieval Europe, and the many different kinds of political, social, and economic relationships that were forged through the giving and receiving of fiefs (feoda).
18.A community of individuals who have banded together in a sworn association, with the aim of establishing their independence and setting up their own form of representative government. Many medieval towns originally founded by lords or monasteries gained their independence through such methods.
19.Peasant labor Unlike slaves, these individuals were "attached" to the land they work, and are not supposed to be sold apart from that land.
1.Significant changes began in the tenth century c.e., which increased the amount of land under cultivation as well as the productivity of the land. Changes were made use of new technologies, an increase in global temperatures, and more efficient methods of cultivation.
2.A powerful abbess, theologian, scientist, musician, and visionary who claimed to receive regular revelations from God. Although highly influential in her own day, she was never officially canonized by the Church, in part because her strong personality no longer matched the changing ideal of female piety.
3.Fragile principalities laying a thin veneer of western European influence on top of a deep, complex culture that would withstand any superficial changes.
4.A longtime friend and supporter of Henry II's, he was the archbishop of Canterbury.
5.A person who pledges to be loyal and subservient to a lord in exchange for land, income, or protection.
6.The most influential intellectual of the Middle Ages and a Dominican.
7.A ceremony in which an individual becomes the "man" (French: homme) of a lord.
10.Also known as the Order of the Friars Minor. Followers of Francis of Assisi (1182–1226) who strove, like him, to imitate the life and example of Jesus. The order was formally established by Pope Innocent III in 1209. Its special mission was the care and instruction of the urban poor.
11.Also called the Order of Preachers, The order was dedicated to the rooting out of heresy and the conversion of Jews and Muslims. Many of its members held teaching positions in European universities and contributed to the development of medieval philosophy and theology. Others became the leading administrators of the Inquisition.
12.Common farmland worked collectively by the inhabitants of entire villages, sometimes on their own initiative, sometimes at the behest of a lord.
13.Appointed to the position of master in the cathedral school in Paris, one of the highest academic posts then available. There he became private tutor to Heloise and she soon became more than that: his intellectual partner, his lover, and his wife.

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