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AP World History Chapters Nine and Ten

Dr. Reimer

NaME: ____________________ DUE 14 February


2.Spanish courtier from Granada, Spain, who went on the Hajj pilgrimage in 1183-1185. Wrote the travels describing his trip to Mecca—the most famous example of a travel book, called a rihla in Arabic (2 Words)
8.The pilgrimage road linking Kufa with Mecca and Medina that was rebuilt by Queen Zubaydah. (2 Words)
9.Literally successor. Before 945, the Caliph was the successor to Muhammad and the supreme political and religious leader of the Islamic world. After 945, the caliph had no political power but served as the religious leader of all Muslims.
12.The larger of the two main Islamic groups formed after Ali’s death. Sunnis, meaning the “people of custom and the community,” hold that the leader of Islam should be chosen by consensus and that legitimate claims to descent are only through the male line. Sunnis do not believe that Ali and Fatima’s descendants can become caliph.
14.In the 400’s and 500’s the highest-ranking bishop of the four major Christian Church centers at Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch.
15.slave girl who became the wife of the Caliph Mahdi, the third ruler of the Abbasid Caliphate. Khaizuran played an active role in court politics.
19.A new state that began as a trading post on the Dnieper River and evolved into a principality around 900. (3 Words)
20.A grant given by the caliph to someone who promised to collect taxes and pay the caliph a certain amount of money from their region, over which the caliph retained only nominal control (2 Words)
24.Term used for the Scandinavians who left home to loot coastal towns and who were most active between 793-1066.
26.Consisting of the code, the Digest, and the Institutes, this compendium preserved the core of Roman law for succeeding ages. (5 Words)
28.The Shia or “party of Ali,” one of the two main Islamic groups of Islam, who support Ali’s claim to succeed t Muhammad and believe the grandchildren born to Ali and Fatima should lead the community. Shi’ites deny the legitimacy of the first three caliphs.
29.A Muslim geographer based in Cordoba whose book of routes and Realms, is one of the earliest written sources about Africa
33.Region including much of northern and eastern England, over which the Scandinavians maintained tenuous control between 866 and 954.
34.Between 750 and 1000 the effort by Islamic scholars, many living in Baghdad, to translate books on astronomy, medicine, mathematics, and geography from ancient Greek, Sanskrit, and Persian into Arabic. (2 Words)
36.Term in the Vinland Sagas for the Amerindians living on the coast of Canada and possibly northern Maine, where the Scandinavians established temporary settlements.
41.Computational instrument that allowed observers to calculate their location on the earth to determine the direction of mecca for their prayers. Also functioned as a slide rule.
42.The book that Muslims believe is the direct word of God as revealed to Muhammad. Written sometime around 650.
1.A couple originally from Iceland who settled in about 1000 in Greenland and then Canada and later returned to Iceland. (4 Words)
3.A Muslim Jurist.
4.the people who, around 500, occupied much of the lower Danube River Valley near the Black sea. They moved north and east for the next five hundred years and enlarged the area where their language, an ancestor of Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Czech were spoken.
5.An important aristocratic family that overthrew the Merovingian rulers in 751. Their most powerful ruler was Charlemagne. After his death, the empire split into three sections, each under a different Carolingian ruler. (2 Words)
6.The route that marks the culmination of the Hajj, when pilgrims meditate and pray (they are not required to stand) at the site where Muhammad gave his last sermon. (2 Words)
7.) Eastern half of the Roman Empire after the loss of the Western half in 476. Sometimes called simply Byzantium. (2 Words)
10.Believed by Muslims to be the last prophet who received God’s revelations directly from the Angel Gabriel. The First leader of the Muslim Community.
11.A struggle or fight against non-Muslims.
13.The Primary Obligations of Each Muslim as listed by Muhammad. (4 Words)
16.Members of a movement calling for the destruction of images of Jesus, Mary, and the saints because they were believed to violate the Second Commandment of the Hebrew Bible.
17.The homeland of the Franks, including much of modern-day France, Germany and the land in-between. (2 Words)
18.A Frankish Dynasty (481-751) un modern day France and Germany, whose founder Clovis converted to Christianity and ruled as a war-band ruler. (2 Words)
21.Term for Erik the Red’s Saga and The Greenlanders’ Saga, composed in Old Norse, that recount events around the year 1000. Both were written down between 1200 and 1400 (3 Words)
22.Dynasty of Ruler as (750-1258) who ruled a united empire from their capital at Baghdad until the empire fragmented in 945. They continued as religious leaders until 1258 when the last Abbasid Caliph was killed by the Mongols. (2 Words)
23.The first European according to the Vinland Sagas, to sail to the Americas, most likely sometime in the 990s. (2 Words)
25.Testimony recorded from Muhammad’s friends and associates about his speech and actions. Formed an integral part of the Islamic tradition, second in importance to the Quran.
27.The most important social unit among Germanic-speaking peoples. In times of war, warriors formed bands behind a leader, who gave them horses, armor, a place to live, and a share of the plunder
30.The African coastal region facing the Mediterranean whose residents largely converted to Islam by the 1100’s
31.Boat used by the Vikings to make raids, made of wood and equipped with both oars and sails, they were the fastest mode of transport before 1000.
32.Literally “man-payment,” an important legal concept that set a monetary value of a human life. The function of Wergeld payments was to prevent an endless cycle of killing and counter-killing among feuding families.
35.Refers to two distinct diseases, Bubonic Plague, and the almost always fatal pneumonic plague, forming two phases of an outbreak.
37.Name given to themselves by people who lived in the region stretching from the Arctic to the North Shore of the Black Sea and from the Baltic Sea to the Caspian Sea
38.learned Islamic Scholars who studied the Quran, the hadith, and legal texts. They taught classes, preached, and heard legal disputes.
39.In the 400’s and 500’s the pope was the highest rankling bishop in Rome, and by 1000, the pope was recognized as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome.
40.the pilgrimage to Mecca, required of all Muslims who can afford the trip. The Pilgrimage commemorates that moment, when, just as he was about to sacrifice him, Abraham freed Ishmael and sacrificed a sheep instead.

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