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Chapter 22

Dr. Reimer

Name: ___________________________


2.Revolutionary who was born in Venezuela and led military forces throughout present-day Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru, becoming the most important military leader in the struggle for independence in South America. (2 Words)
3.The most radical republican faction in the National Convention. They organized military force that saved the republic, but their leader Maximillian Robespierre, head of the Committee of Public Safety, ruled by decree and set in motion the Reign of Terror.
6.Commander of the Continental Army in the American War of Independence from Britain; also the first president of the United States of America (2 Words)
8.Document written by Thomas Jefferson justifying the separation of Britain’s North American colonies, declaring them to be free and independent states. (3 Words)
9.Congress at which the balance of power among European states was restored after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte (3 Words)
11.Leader of the Haitian Revolution. Under his military and political leadership, Haiti gained independence and abolished slavery, becoming the first black-ruled republic in the Americas. He died in exile in France. (2 Words)
12.before the French Revolution, the order of French society that included the common people (the First Estate was the Clergy, The Second the Nobility, and the Third, everyone else). (2 Words)
13.Assembly that launched the French Revolution, formed by members of the Third Estate after the failure of the Estates General. They agreed on the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen,” forcing the King to sign the Assembly’s constitution. (2 Words)
14.The defining ideology of the nation-state, emphasizing the rights and responsibilities of citizens toward the nation as superior to those based on regional, religious, familial or other identities. Nationalism often asserts a common ethnic and linguistic heritage in legitimizing power.
15.King of France whose inability to reform the French fiscal system laid the foundation for the French Revolution. After showing a reluctance to rule as a constitutional monarch, Louis was arrested and beheaded by republican revolutionaries. (2 Words)
16.Latin American military men who gained power through violence during and after the early nineteenth century.
1.Agreement that created a more unified national structure for the United States, providing for a bicameral national legislature and independent executive judiciary and executive branches and incorporating a Bill of Rights. (5 Words)
4.Mexican priest who launched the first stage of the Mexican war of Independence. Hidalgo appealed to the mestizo and thus viewed with suspicion by Mexican Criollos. In 1811, he was captured and executed. (5 Words)
5.Congress that declared Venezuelan independence after Simon Bolivar gave an opening address arguing for a strong central government with effective executive powers. (3 Words)
7.Military commander who gained control of France after the French Revolution. He declared himself emperor in 1804 and attempted to expand French territory, but failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. He dies in exile after a brief return to power in 1815 (2 Words)
10.Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui Noguera, a descendant of the las Inca ruler; called himself Tupac Amaru II while leading a large scale rebellion in the Andes against Spanish Rule. He was defeated and executed. (3 Words)

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