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Short Story Crossword Challenge!

Noor Sabzwari

Try and complete today's short story themed crossword puzzle! Whether it's from a story we all know and love, or a story only elders would know of, give your brain a shot to exceed everyone's expectations with your knowledge of vocabulary!

This week's short story crossword challenge is based off: "Where The World Began". [LEVEL: HARD]

RATING: EASY - A nice warm up for your brain. Everyone can do this!

NORMAL - Slightly more challenging, but mostly everyone will know the words!

HARD - Time to turn up the heat! Sophisticated words coming through!

SUPER HARD - No mercy for you if you've made it this far! Push your brain cells to the limit!

ADVANCED - Ya think you know more words than an online dictionary? Prove yourself!!

Tip: (ans. adj) = (the answer is an adjective)

(noun def.) = (a noun definition: to define a particular ONE of a person, place, or thing) (the missing word describes MORE than ONE thing)


4.to force (one's way) into or through
5.full of juice or sap/highly interesting or enjoyable, delectable
9.a wine bottle of eight times the standard size
10.cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine
11.(ans. adj.)(noun def.) a dessert topping, a baked mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar
14.forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable
15.(noun. def) an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning
20.to give out a sharp, vibrating sound, as the string of a musical instrument when plucked
21.(in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house
22.(especially of a social or political system) inhibiting or restraining the freedom of a person or group of people
23.(ans. adj) not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment
1.including a multitude of individual; existing in a great multitude multitudinous opportunities
2.more than one god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)
3.people who grew in Europe throughout ancient times and into The Middle Ages. Famous for sacking city of Rome in A.D. 410. (TWO WORDS)
6.a feeling of great happiness and triumph
7.having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one's country
8.insensitive and cruel disregard for others
12.a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest
13.a Spanish title prefixed to a male forename / a university teacher, especially a senior member of college at Oxford or Cambridge
15.a North American cherry with an edible astringent fruit that is more palatable when cooked
16.a soft leather slipper or shoe, strictly one without a separate heel
17.(noun def.) a disagreeable or noxious exhalation, vapor, or odor
18.(of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense
19.(of a situation or course of action) filled with, or likely to result in (something undesirable)

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