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Food Safety Review

Mrs. D

Use information from foldable to answer the following questions. For this crossword, do not start writing your word into a box with numbers, and if a word has a space, do not include the space. Example: E. coli will be placed in the crossword as ECOLI


2.This step in food safety says to always heat foods to proper temperatures
3.This FBI is a bacterium that can produce a deadly toxin and causes approximately 73,000 cases of FBI’s each year. You can find this FBI in contaminated ground water and raw ground meat. This also can be transmitted through human feces being ingested.
4.This FBI is tied as the second most common bacterial cause of diarrhea in the US. Symptoms include: diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, and sometimes, bloody stools. This FBI can be contracted from undercooked ground meat, and also from the soil that is contaminated.
5.This FBI produces a toxin, which causes life-threatening illness that can prevent breathing muscles from moving air into and out of the lungs. You contract it from honey and home canned foods. It can be deadly to feed honey to a child under the age of two.
6.When in doubt, throw it...________!
7.This FBI is responsible for 1.4 million cases of foodborne illnesses a year. Sources include raw/undercooked eggs, undercooked poultry and meat, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
8.This FBI is a parasite that causes a severe disease that can produce central nervous system disorders in children. Pregnant women are at a higher risk. You can contract this FBI from undercooked pork, venison, lamb, and also cat feces. This FBI can cause spontaneous abortion in pregnant women.
10.This FBI is the MOST common FBI in the US. Poor hygiene causes it to be easily passed from person to person and from infected individuals to food items. Sources include, any food contaminated by someone who is infected.
11.This FBI causes severe diarrhea, can be contracted from contaminated seawater/lake and stream water through open wounds, and shellfish that is not cooked properly.
12.This step in food safety ensures that ready to eat food is kept away from raw food
13.This is the temperature range that bacteria grows fastest, 40-140 degrees is known as the...
1.When ready to eat foods come into contact with raw foods
2.This step of food safety encourages you to keep areas and hands clean
6.This FBI can be contracted from eating deli meats and hotdogs that haven’t been kept at the correct temperature. Symptoms include: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and upset stomach. Can cause death of an unborn child if left untreated.
9.This step in food safety encourages you to place perishable food into the fridge in a timely manner
12.All foodborne illnesses have ________-like symptoms

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