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Feudalism in Europe, Pages 358-363

Mr. Imhoff / Hereford High School

Clues are numbered according to the order in which they come up in the textbook reading, more or less.


6.12. The classification of peasants in the Middle Ages who lived on a manor and were not allowed to leave that place
7.4. Another name for Vikings, suggesting that they do NOT come from the south, but up.....
10.2. Norther part of Europe which is home to Vikings: Norwar, Sweden, and Denmark
13.6. Name of Viking who reached North America 500 years before Columbus (First name and last without space in between)
14.15. A tax that all peasants in the Middle Ages paid to the Church; it amounted to 1/10 of their income
15.7. A group of nomadic people on horseback who attacked Europe from Hungary.
1.14. A word used to describe the fact that manors could rely on themselves and didn't really need many supplies (except salt, iron, and millstones) from the outside world (2 words with hyphen in between).
2.10. Shape of society in feudal Europe--Most powerful at top and poorest at bottom.
3.13. The country estate of a lord where the lord's family lived along with all of the local peasants
4.8. At the same time the Vikings attacked from the north and the Magyars from the east, this group attacked Italy and Spain from North Africa
5.5. Name for a ship sailed by the Vikings suggesting that they were not short.
8.1. Invaders from Scandinavia who attack by sea.
9.9. Landowner in feudal Europe who also had his own private army.
11.11. Warriors in armor on horseback who swore to be loyal to a lord in exchange for some land; also a piece in chess which can jump over other pieces
12.3. Century of most Viking attacks on Europe; Hint: look for year in which Vikings sack Rome. Remember: 2019 is in the 21st century.

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