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Proverbs Chapter 30 - Proverbial Business English

I. M. Achristian

Proverbs Chapter 30 - Proverbial Business English by I. M. Achristian. The Author uses crosswords as games to enhance learning in his Proverbial Business English class taught at Incheon International Baptist Church. https://iibckorea.com/

This puzzle covers Proverbs Chapter 30. It has some definitions taken from Strong's Concordance. Each word begins with an 'R'.

All lesson material is published by I. M. Achristian, under the authority of Incheon International Baptist Church (IIBC), Songdo, Republic of Korea, 2020. Instruction and instructional material is freely given and materials may be freely downloaded and/or promulgated for the ‘furtherance of the Gospel’. No fee whatsoever is charged for instruction. It is provided as a ministry of IIBC. Classroom and online students are encouraged to visit the services of IIBC regularly to improve their English and grow spiritually.

All Scripture used in PBE lessons is taken from the King James Version, via e-sword, www.e- sword.net, or The Korean King James Version, reference (ref): http://www.keepbible.com.

Are you saved? You can know for 100% sure that you are saved! Please read: Romans Chapter 3:10, 23, 5:12, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 10:13. Ask The Lord to save you. Read Romans 10:13 again. Are you a whosoever? Are you saved?

Every word begins with an 'R'.


3.Prov 30:8 ______ far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:8헛된 것과 거짓말들을 내게서 멀리 옮기시오며 나를 가난하게도 마옵시고 부하게도 마옵시며 내게 알맞은 양식으로 나를 먹이시옵소서.
5.Prov 30:7 The eye [that] mocketh at [his] father, and despiseth to obey [his] mother, the ______ of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.17자기 아버지를 조롱하며 자기 어머니에게 순종하기를 싫어하는 눈은 골짜기의 까마귀들이 쪼아 내고 독수리 새끼들이 먹으리라.
6.Prov 30:19 The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a ____; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.19곧 공중에 있는 독수리의 길과 바위 위에 있는 뱀의 길과 바다 한가운데 있는 배의 길과 처녀와 함께한 남자의 길이니라.
1.Prov 30:26 The conies [are but] a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the _____;26약한 국민이지만 자기 집을 바위 속에 짓는 산토끼와
2.Proverbs (Prov) 30:6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he _______ thee, and thou be found a liar.6너는 그분의 말씀들에 더하지 말라. 그분께서 너를 책망하실 터인즉 네가 거짓말쟁이로 드러날까 염려하노라.
3.Prov 30:31 A greyhound; an he goat also; and a king, against whom [there is] no ______ up.31그레이하운드와 또 숫염소와 일어나 대적할 수 없는 왕이니라.
4.Prov 30:8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor ______; feed me with food convenient for me:8헛된 것과 거짓말들을 내게서 멀리 옮기시오며 나를 가난하게도 마옵시고 부하게도 마옵시며 내게 알맞은 양식으로 나를 먹이시옵소서.

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