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Dia De Los Muertos Terms

Chris Vazquez Martinez

A fun educational crossword puzzle on the Latin American holiday of Day of the Dead.

The definitions in this puzzle were inspired or taken directly from from Martha Ramirez Oropeza's e-textbook, "Day of the Dead Ritual" published by Great River Learning in 2018.

Many of the words in this puzzle come from the ancient Nahuatl language. These words are spelled phonetically, and there may be multiple accepted spellings for the same word. Spellings used here are taken directly from the GRL textbook.


2.A pre-Columbian food made from ground corn flour, corn husks, and with a meat center. This dish is still popular.
4.Spanish word meaning "offering." Also used to describe an altar.
5.Nahuatl word for "reed." This represents the cardinal point of the East.
6.Nahuatl word for "flint." This represents the cardinal point of the North.
10.Pre-columbian 260 day calendar system that has 20 13 day months.
12.Books written by ancient civilizations such as the Aztec and the Maya that contain pictograms. These help us understand the history and legends of our ancestors. A famous friar wrote the Florentine _ _ _ _ _.
13.Mexican author of "Mexico Profundo."
16.Mexican President serving from the late 19th century to the 20th century. He was a despotic ruler that took advantage of the poor to help the rich and foreign investors. His regime saw the creation of the hacienda system.
18.Empress of Mexico that came with Emperor Maximiliano. This is the Spanish version of her name. She was famous for falling in love with Mexican culture. She loved pulque.
20.The fourth Aztec afterlife that has 9 levels where people that died of illness, old age, or an uneventful death went. Once in Mictlan you were thought to travel through many trials to try to reach the final 9th resting place.
21.This is a Spanish word. It is a candy that has the name of the deceased person who is being honored placed upon it. It is reminiscent to an older tradition in which the bones of the dead were literally cleaned. Its existence in its current form represents the native resistance to colonization because a newer invention, sugar, was appropriated and implemented into an older tradition (a syncretism).
24.Nahuatl word for "skirt" as shown in codexes. Skirts are thought to represent the feminine duality.
25.A Christmastime tradition that represents the time when Mary and Joseph were looking for shelter for Mary to give birth.
26.The mascot for Tijuana's Mexican national team. Kidding... Quetzalcoatl's companion to the underworld to retrieve the ancient bones.
27.Delicious Christmas treat made from tortillas, sugar, and cinnamon.
1.Nahuatl word for "marigold flower." This yellow orange flower is thought to help guide spirits to the land of the living.
2.Nahuatl word for "rabbit." This represents the cardinal point of the South.
3.One of the four Aztec afterlives that is thought to be where children that died during childbirth went. Literally translates to "nursing tree" or "tree of life."
7.The capital of the Mexica people located at the center of Texcoco lake.
8.Nahuatl word meaning, "that which must be preserved."
9.An art tradition in altars that originated in China. Its presence in the altar signifies air, and its holes are thought to let spirits through. Its fragility is thought to be symbolic of the fragility of life.
11.Pre-columbian 365.25 day calendar system that has 18, 20 day months plus one 5.25 day month that each represent an Aztec "god."
14.Quetzalcoatl's duality that is thought to have brought forth the era of the fifth sun.
15.An incense made from tree resin that is used in altars. Along with candles, this item represents fire, and is meant to purify the souls entering your home.
17.Nahuatl word meaning "duality." The Aztecs found divinity in the duality of all things like air and earth.
19.Ancient language of the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican civilizations.
20.Nahuatl word for "loincloth" as shown in codexes. Loincloths are thought to represent the masculine duality.
21.The term used in the Mexican caste system used to describe the progeny of Spanish parents born in New Spain.
22.Mexican engraver 1852–1913, created thousands of etchings depicting the prerevolutionary times. Among others, he is famous for his skeletons which he used to make a political satire.
23.Nahuatl word for "house." This represents the cardinal point of the West. Spelled with only one "L."

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