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Marvel Super heroes

Flying Colours


2.I wear a black costume. I wear a black cape and a black mask. I have the fastest car on the planet. I am intelligent. I have a black boomerang.
5.I am big. I am green. I have black hair. I am strong. I am angry and I break everything.
6.I can shrink. I have wings. I can fly. I can sting. My friend is called Antman.
7.I am a warrior princess. I am intelligent. I am strong. I am fast. I am brave. I have a magic lasso. I wear a tiara with a red star. I wear bracelets. I wear a ring. I wear a red and blue costume with stars. I have long black hair. I am beautiful.
8.I can fly. I have an iron suit. I have a helmet that gives information. I am red and yellow. I have black hair.
9.I am an Avenger. I can shrink. I can speak to bugs. The bugs help me fight. My friend is called Wasp.
1.I wear a suit. I protect Wakanda. I have powers.
3.I wear a black and white costume. I can climb up walls. I can throw spiderwebs.
4.I live on planet Asgard. I have a magic hammer. I am strong. I help people.

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