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sport games




3.Sport that is practiced between two teams of eleven players who try to introduce a ball into the opponent's goal by pushing it with the feet, the head or any part of the body except the hands and arms; in each team there is a goalkeeper, who can touch the ball with his hands, although only within the area; The team that achieves the most goals during the 90 minutes of the match wins.
4.Contact eport in which two teams of players attempt to get the ball into the end zone or kick it between the posts. ... It is one of the most competitive contact sports in the United States and is currently practiced in more than 60 countries.
5.Sport or exercise that consists of skating.
1.Deporte que se practica entre dos jugadores o dos parejas en una pista rectangular dividida transversalmente por una red; consiste en impulsar una pelota con una raqueta por encima de la red intentando que bote en el campo contrario y que el adversario no la pueda devolver; los partidos se disputan a tres o cinco sets siguiendo un complejo sistema de puntuación.
2.eport of team competition, whose objective is to insert the ball with the hands in a raised basket. The winner is whoever makes the most scores or "baskets" on the opposing team's rim.

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