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Main Features of a Spreadsheet

J. Thompson

Players should find out the words to the mysterious puzzle. They should figure out the different feature types in a Spreadsheet to solve the puzzle based on each clue provided.


1.A type of formula that performs a specific calculation by using values a user input as arguments.
3.The point where a row and a column meet to produce a cell address.
6.A toolbar at the top of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet window that you can use to enter or copy an existing formula in to cells or charts. (2 Words)
7.A workbook can contain multiple copies of these. (2 Words)
8.A vertical series of cells in a chart, table, or spreadsheet.
2.A combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet. (2 Words)
4.A collection of one or more spreadsheets. (2 Words)
5.Identified by the number that is on left side of the worksheet.
6.They always begin with the equal sign, which is where you want the answer or results to appear.

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