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Grade 12 - SAT Vocabulary 8 Crossword Puzzle

Waleed Snoussi

Word Bank
empathy, empathy, erudite, erudite, exasperate, exasperated, exorbitantly, exorbitantly, forbearance, forbearance, gluttony, gluttony, grandiloquence, grandiloquence, guile, guile, haughty, haughty, hegemony, hegemony


1.It means a situation in which one state or country controls others
2.It means the use of clever but dishonest methods to deceive someone.
6.It means in a way that is much higher/more expensive than it should be.
8.It means the quality of being patient, able to control your emotions, and willing to forgive someone who has upset you.
9.The skyrocketing prices of petrol have ____________driven the price of every commodity to an astronomical level.
11.As a matter of fact, _________creates a closeness between you, the father/mother, and your child.
13.His prose style demonstrates his skilled __________; however, to the discerning eyes, his descriptions are very shallow and vacuous.
14.It means to make a bad situation worse.
15.Most biographers are imposingly __________ but never pedantic; they take months, sometimes years, studying about the character before attempting to write anything about him or her, but unimportant details are none of their concerns.
16.It means behaving in a proud, unfriendly way.
1.The ruling classes in Europe, China, Russia, North Korea, and Japan are far less willing to accept US _________.
2.It means the bad habit of eating and drinking too much.
3.By _______, bribery or skill the fleeing rebels managed to elude their pursuers.
4.It means the fact of using words that are too long and formal in order to sound important.
5.People avoided dealing with him and thought of him as being ________and difficult to talk to.
7.Ironically, the government's reassurances may have __________fear about the disease.
9.It means the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems.
10.During once-in-a-lifetime meeting with the CEO, she expressed her gratitude towards our continuing ____________ and understanding, and for our hard work throughout the year.
11.It means showing a lot of knowledge based on careful study.
12.The level of heart disease in the developed world is a measure of human ________and unstoppable greed.

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