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Poison Activity

Cora Wagner and Serrah Miller

Word Bank
Causes, First Aid, How to remove a tick?, Lyme disease, Poison, Prevention, Symptoms, What to do for Bee Sting?, What to do for Snake Bites?, What to do for a Spider Bite?, What to do if you touch a Poisonous Plant?


5.Clean the bite area with warm water and soap Apply a cold, damp washcloth or an ice pack to the bite are Evaluate the bite area Take the antihistamine ( allergy medicine) to ease the itching and swelling Take over- the- counter pain relief for pain and swelling See immediate medical attention for severe symptoms
6.vomiting, sweating, difficulty breathing, burns on lips and skin, seizures
7.Swallowed Poison, Poison on the skin,Poison in the eye,Inhaled Poison
9.Lay or sit the person down with the bite below the level of the heart Tell them to stay calm and still Wash the wound with warm soapy water immediately Cover the bite with a clean, dry dressing.
10.is a substance that causes injury, illness, or death if it enters the body
11.Most causes of poisoning occur when small children swallow medicines such as cleaning solutions or pesticides.
1.Use pointed tweezers. Slide the tweezers between your skin and the ticks mouth. Gently pull the tick straight up and away from your skin, it may take 2 or 3 times. Don’t have tweezers use your fingers, but take the same approach. Protect your fingers with a tissue or plastic bag and wash them afterwards.
2.Immediately rinse skin with rubbing alcohol, poison plant wash, or degreasing soap Scrub under nails with a brush Apply wet compresses, calamine lotion, or hydrocortisone cream to the skin to reduce the itching.
3.is a bacterial disease transmitted through a tick.
4.Remove the stinger with a dull- edge object A blunt object such as a credit card or butter knife scraped gently scraped across Apply a cool compress- a cool compress relieves the pain or you can apply cream for the itching and swelling Elevate the area- depending on the location of the sting, elevating the area can also reduce swelling.
8.Make sure all medicines, cleaning products are locked away Do not store medicines, cleaning products or chemicals near food

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