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Regulations (EU) No. 965/2012 Air Operations - Annex IV (Part - CAT)

Kristians Kulpe 2GKM

All terms and abbreviations, acronyms are mentioned in Air Operations (Air OPS) Annex IV Part-CAT.

In multi-word answers, the space between words should be indicated by leaving a single empty block.


1.Turbine-powered aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5,700 kg or an MOPSC of more than 19 shall be equipped with ACAS II. What does ACAS stand for?
7.Aeroplanes with an MCTOM of more than 5,700 kg shall be equipped at each pilot station with a means to maintain a clear portion of the windshield during precipitation (rain). What is the meaing of MCTOM?
8.The commander shall only commence takeoff if the aircraft is clear of any deposit that might adversely affect the performance or controllability of the aircraft and per the AFM. What is meant by AFM?
10.Part-CAT has 4 subparts. What is the abbreviation of Subpart B - Operating Procedures?
2.Turbine-powered aeroplanes having an MCTOM of more than 5,700 kg or a MOPSC of more than nine shall be equipped with a TAWS that meets the requirements for Class A equipment as specified in an acceptable standard. What is the expansion (meaning) of TAWS?
3.What does the acronym CAT stand for?
4.Definition of the abbreviation - CofA. It's a document that shall always be carried on each fligh.
5.Loading, mass and CG of aircraft must comply with limitations specified in the AFM or operations manual. What does the acronym CG mean?
6.Part-CAT has 4 subparts. What does the abbreviation of Subpart A stand for? The abbreviation - GEN.
9.While passengers are embarking, on board, or disembarking, the airplane can not be refueled/defueled with THIS or wide-cut fuel.

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