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The Odyssey


Characters and Places of the Odyssey

1 2   3              
    5       6
8                   9  
12   13              
14           15        
      18             19
20 21    
23       24             25        
27             28        

2.A one-eyed Cyclops and son of Poseidon
4.The faithful wife of Odysseus
5.The enchantress who transforms Odysseus' men into swine
7.One of Odysseus' officers that persuades the men to kill Helios' cattle
8.Whirlpool thats suck the water down three times a day
11.The home of Odysseus
13.King of Ithaca and hero in Homer's The Odyssey
14.The blind prophet Odysseus goes to meet in the Land of the Dead
16.The mother of Odysseus
17.The Messenger God
18.The ring-leader of the suitors and the first killed by Odysseus
23.The King of the Gods
24.The sea nymph who keeps Odysseus captive for seven years
25.The island home of the enchantress Circe
26.Women with beautiful voices that cause passing sailors to wreck
27.The father of Odysseus
28.The Land of the Dead
1.The son of Odysseus and Penelope
3.A tribe of gigantic cannibals that eat all of Odysseus' men except one ship
6.The faithful swineherd of Odysseus
9.Odysseus' nurse that notices him by a scar on his leg
10.The God of the Sea that makes Odysseus' journey home hard
12.Goddess of Wisdom that helps Odysseus through his journey
15.Wind God that gave Odysseus a bag of winds to try to help him back to Ithaca, but it did not work
16.The King of the Phaeacians
19.A sea monster with six heads, twelve tentacles, and three rows of teeth
20.A Thracian tribe whose city was raided by Odysseus and his men after leaving Troy
21.Island home of the sea nymph Calypso
22.The island home of Aeolus
25.The faithful dog of Odysseus who recognizes him and dies

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