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Biased Sample Median=The middle number when the numbers are written in order.
Dependent Events Mode=The number(s) repeated most often.
Independent Events A part of the population
Combination Interquartile Range=Upper Q-Lower Q.
Permutation Every event is listed outwards in a tree until every event has been listed.
Measures of Central Tendency A question that influences a specific answer.
Stratified Random Sample Mean=Average
Survey Only members of the group who are easily acceptable are selected.
Quartiles In a set of data, it is the average amount all of the data is away from the mean.
Biased Question Add AND Subtract
Quartiles A sample that does not represent all the characteristics of a sample.
Population Lower Q.=median of bottom half of data.
Independent Events The chance of an event occuring.
Representative Sample A rule is used to select members of the population.
Range The number of ways an event can occur when you are not using all objects.
Tree Diagram Multiply
Expected Value The probability of more than one event with the workd "AND,BOTH,or IN A ROW".
Counting Principle The number of ways an event can occur.
Permutation The number of ways an event can occur when you are not using all objects.
Measures of Central Tendency Add
Mutually Exclusive Events A median of a set of data; normally split up into a lower and upper.
Factorial The probability of more than one event with the 'OR".
Sample To multiply the number all the way down until it reaches 1.
Self-Selected Sample Members of a population choose to be part of the sample.
Systematic Sample Multiply
Random Sample Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Quartiles Thehighest number in a set of data minus thelowest number in a set of data.
Dependent Events When probability of an event is multiplied by it's worth to determine a postivie or negative outcome.
Combination Multiply
Counting Principle The probability of more than one event with the 'OR".
Measures of Central Tendency Order Matters
Mutually Exclusive Events The entire group you want information about.
Overlapping Events Order does NOT matter.
Quartiles The population is divided into distinct groups.Members selected randomly.
Probability The probability of more than one event with the word "AND,BOTH,or IN A ROW".
Convenience Sample Uper Q.=median of upper half of data.
Overlapping Events A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of a population.
Mean Absolute Deviation Study of one or more characteristics of a group.

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