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Math Homework


Math vocabluary Ch 3

Array a symbol or letter that stands for a number
Factors the product of any whole number
Product two numbers can be multiplied in any order and the product is the same
Multiple a property that shows that you can break apart facts to find the product
Zero Property of Multiplecation shows all of the related muliplecation and division facts for a set of numbers
Identity Property of Multiplecation the number by which another number is devided
Communicative Property of Multiplication the answer to a division problem
Distributive Property the answers to a multiplecation problem
Divide the number to be devided
Dividend the product of any number and one is that same number
Devisor numbers multiplied together
Quotiont the product of any number and zero is zero
Multiplecation an operation to find the number in each group or the number of equal groups
Fact Family objects arranged in equal rows
Variable is the invers operation for division

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