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Brenda S.

SAT Day 1 Part A & B

1demise _____a false show; sham
2laudatory _____a pipe or tunnel for water or wires
3amenable _____a collection of poems, stories, songs, or excerpts
4iniquitous _____a glutton; one who indulges to excess
5arboreal _____a breaking or being broken
6anthology _____expressing praise
7breach _____willing to please; obliging
8tumultous _____willing to follow advice or suggestion
9conduit _____a noisy fight or loud quarrel; brawl
10lummox _____a connected group or series
11nexus _____of or like a tree
12dogma _____a long, narrow deep cleft or crack
13abberation _____wild and noisy; uproarious
14blandishment _____a mental leaning or inclination; partiality; bent
15epithet _____immoral
16metaphor _____a heavy, prolonged attack of words or blows
17feint _____a greedy, stingy person
18oration _____a formal pulic speech
19evanescence _____a figure of speech containing an implied comparison
20complaisant _____a fading from sight; vanishing
21forge _____a doctrine; tenet; belief
22gourmand _____a gradual shrinking or a swelling
23detumescence _____a hearer or listener; a fact checker
24miser _____ceasing to exist; death
25caption _____a kindly, charitable act or gift
26auditor _____withered; shriveled
27barrage _____a clumsy, stupid person
28conjunction _____wipe out; destroy; to get rid of
29benevolence _____a descriptive name or title
30legion _____a loud outcry; uproar
31demagogue _____a joining together or being joined together
32eradicate _____a deviation from the normal or the typical
33bolster _____a flattering act or remark meant to persuade
34fissure _____an orator who appeals ot the prejudices of his audience
35clamor _____a long, narrow cushion or pillow; to support
36wizened _____a large number; multitude; a military unit
37bias _____a heading or title, as of an article
38fracas _____a funrace for heating metal to be wrought; to advance

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