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Literary terms

Engelsk A flex

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style Point of view that allows the narrator to know the thoughts and feelings of all the characters
omniscient point of view The (negative, positive or neutral) associations, emotions and attitudes of a given word
theme Point of view that allows the narrator to know the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters only
composition This is the term to use when the narrator directly tells us what characterizes a given character
short story The selection and organization of the material (i.e., the events, descriptive passages etc.) that makes up the story
objective point of view A relatively short narrative with only one storyline and with a limited number of characters
stream of consciousness Point of view that restricts the narrator to the reporting of events and dialogue (no thoughts or feelings)
frame story An abrupt opening of a story
intertextuality A comparison using either "as" or "like" as the link (e.g., The world is like a stage)
narrator What the text is essentially about, often an idea such as war or love
round character This is the term to use when something or somebody is spoken of as if it were something else (e.g.,"All the world's a stage" (Shakespeare)).
showing This term is used when the text directly or indirectly refers to another work of art
limited point of view The fictional world that the story takes place in including the social environment and the time
flat character A character with a certain depth to it
setting The way the text has been written (vocabulary, syntax, use of imagery, tone etc.)
characterization This is the term to use when the narrator - through dialogue and action - shows (rather than tells) us what a given character is like
protagonist Figurative language (symbols, metaphors and similes)
connotations A minimally described or stereotypical character
mood The main character in a work of fiction
metaphor A narrative technique in which the narrative is a representation of the narrator' s"random" thoughts
simile What you do when you find words to describe a given character's looks, personality, attitude, opinions etc. based on evidence found in the text
imagery The character or invented voice telling the story
chronological narrative A story that functions a frame for another story
in medias res An object, a character or an event which is actually physically present in the story but also represents something more abstract
symbol The atmosphere that pervades the story
telling A narrative arranged according to the date/time of occurrence of the events

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