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Root Words Quarter 4

Maine West

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aesth eight
arch truth
a, an send, let go
semi feeling
holo not, without
crat, critic six
archae belief
seg,sec whole
morb having qualities of, resembling
reg, rect, rig cut
it, is, itis blood
quad fight, war
plic, pli, plex ancient, beginning
machy foot
lysis worship
radi, radic move
sangui bend or fold
mit, miss tomb
mov, mob, mot twist or bend
penta trade
sinu rule
latry roll
neur middle
oct loosen, untie
taph rule
dox sacred
ose five
medi half
ver ray, spoke of wheel
sacr, sacer feeling or perception
pod, ped inflammation
kilo sick or ill
volv four
merc of or like sugar
saccar/o thousand
hex rule

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