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Acids Bases and Salts


An indicator that remains colourless in the presence of an acid alkalies
Indicators giving different odours in acidic and basic medium electricity
a flower which is natural indicator olfactory indicators
Carbonates and bicarbonates of metal react with acids to give Calcium Carbonate
Lime stone, Marble and chalk are examples of Ions
reaction between acids and bases to give salt and water is Carbon dioxide
Metal oxdides are Washing soda
Electric current is carried through the solution by Bleaching Powder
The aqueous solution of bases conduct  Plaster of Paris
Water soluble bases are calles  decrease
Acid which the bee-sting leaves  Hydrangea
Common name of Sodium hydrogen carbonate  Neutralization reaction
Common name of calcium oxychloride Sodium Chloride
Common name of Sodium carbonate  Phenolphthalein
Calcium sulphate hemihydrate is also called Baking soda
Name a salt which does not contain water of rystallisation Basic
Name the product formed by heating gypsum to 373 K methanoic
with the incease in concentration of hydrogen ions, the pH value will Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

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