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Quiz 5 Study Guide

Jackie Boreland

1Cephalocaudal Development  _____infants must come to trust the key caregivers; primarily the mother, and the environment. An infant connects with their environment for feelings of satisfaction.
2Typical growth patterns  _____ the number of words that one understands
3Locomotor skills  _____regulates your survival skills such as breathing. Located on the back of your neck
4Proximal development _____Stage of development described by Piaget. Birth to 2 years old of cognitive development; this is where children learn through senses and body movements.
5Ulnar grasp  _____Dendrites, cell body, axon, and synapse
6Pincer grasp  _____when children move from one place to another andudes things such as turning, rolling over, crawling, creeping, walking.
7Simple reflexes  _____controls the basic emotions and drives such as fear, anger, happiness, hunger, pleasure, etc.; located deep inside the brain
8Sensorimotor stage  _____arm and leg movements that cross from one side of the body to another
96 Substages of Sensorimotor  _____the number of words that a baby can use when trying to talk.
10Assimilation  _____using another person’s reaction to a situation in order to form one’s own response
11Accommodation  _____when children grow from the inside out, nerves need to be in place
12Object Permanence  _____Simple reflexes, primary circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, coordination of secondary schemes, tietary circular reactions (trial and error), and mental and motor development
13Receptive Language  _____ This is development of a child from head to toe. The brain develops more rapidly during the embryonic stage
14Expressive Language _____ when babies can hold things better using fingers and thumb
15Attachment  _____psychoanalytic theory was that the first year is critical to a child’s development of trust which builds attachment
16Separation anxiety  _____ incorporating new events or knowledge into existing schemes (routines)
17Erikson’s Stage theory  _____modifying existing schemes (or practice) to make sense of events
18Trust vs. Mistrust  _____includes things such as grasping and visual tracking
19Self-concept  _____when infants try to maintain contact with caregivers they’ve grown attached to
20Stranger anxiety  _____being aware of your body and the world around you (becoming aware of yourself)
21Social-referencing  _____thick bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres (left and right) of the brain
22Temperment _____In 1st year after birth, height increases by 50% & weight doubles
23Cross- lateral movement  _____the recognition that an object or person still exist even when out of sight
24Myelination  _____ An emotional bond having to do with affection and love between one person and another
25Parts of neuron  _____a fear of strangers developed by most infants; appears at about the age 6-9 months.
26Synaptic pruning  _____stable way of reacting and adapting to the world that’s present in early life
27Corpus callosum  _____ when children are able to clumsily pick up items between the fingers and palm (uses fists)
28Limbic system  _____controls motor functions, coordination, and respiratory functions
29Function of Brain stem _____occurs when information or connections are cut off after not being
30Cerebellum  _____ fatty coating over the axon that protects the neuron. Begins before birth and is not complete until after adolescence

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