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Reginald Rodriguez

1 alkali  .......... a substance which when molten or dissolved conducts an electric current
2 base  .......... blue solid
3 sodium hydroxide  .......... lye
4 calcium hydroxide  .......... apparatus used in titration for measuring volume of acid
5 neutralization  .......... taste of alkalis
6 magnesium hydroxide  .......... soluble base
7 ammonium hydroxide 
8 electrolyte  .......... weak electrolyte
9 blue litmus  .......... reaction between an acid and a base
10 red litmus  .......... changes colour in the presence of alkalis
11 soapy  .......... slaked lime
12 bitter  .......... does not change colour in the presence alkalis
13 copper(II) hydroxide  .......... feel of alkalis
14 pink  .......... colour of phenolphthalein in alkalis
15 colourless  .......... proton acceptor
16 burette  .......... milk of magnesia
17 pipette  .......... apparatus used in titration for measuring volume of alkali

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