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Physics Quiz Review


Vibration- the cyclical motion of an object through an equilibrium point  What kind of wave does sound travel as?
molecular structure, density, temperature Affects how a medium transmits vibrations  waves same position moving same direction
period- the time it takes a for a vibrating particle to complete 1 cycle Sound intensity is due to?
Wave speed- What is affected by the temperature in a gas medium?   particles move same direction
What is the difference between vibration and mechanical waves? How are they related?  A vibration is the cyclical motion of an object through the equilibrium. Mechanical waves are the transfer of energy through a material. Vibrations create waves.
Transverse- particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave lowest point on wave
Longitudinal- particles move same direction highest point on wave
Crest- highest point on wave distance from either crest or trough
trough- lowest point on wave the time it takes a for a vibrating particle to complete 1 cycle
Amplitude- distance from either crest or trough What is affected by the temperature in a gas medium?
Wave length- the distance of a wave  factors that affect the medium
In phase- waves same position moving same direction particles move perpendicular to the direction of the wave
Temperature, tension, density- factors that affect the medium - the cyclical motion of an object through an equilibrium point
Longitudinal- What kind of wave does sound travel as?  the distance of a wave
Amplitude of the wave- Sound intensity is due to? molecular structure, density, temperature Affects how a medium transmits vibrations

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