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Basic Cooking Methods

Susan Schmitt

8th Grade word match for Home Ec. with key terms and Vocab.

A) Bake  to brown food in a small amount of hot fat, then slowly cook it in moist heat.
B) Braise to cook food over boiling liquid, but, not in the liquid.
C) Broiling to cook food in a dry heat in an oven
D) Frying to cook food in heated simmering liquid just until bubbles form slowly but do not reach the surface.
E) Microwave to cook food quickly in a small amount of hot oil while stirring constantly.
F) Pan boiling cooktop method
G) Roasting to cook in hot fat or oil.
H) Simmer to cook food by direct heat from above
I) Steam  to cook food in a dry heat in an oven
J) Stir-fry to cook by tiny waves of energy in a microwave oven

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