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Reading Terms

Mrs. Mahnken

1st Person Point of View What the text is mainly about; the central idea
3rd Person Point of View Words that have similar meanings vs. words with opposite meanings
Fact vs. Opinion Making the reader think that everyone is doing it, so you should hurry up and do it too
Inference A conversation between people set off in quotes
Flashback vs Foreshadowing Using prior knowledge and evidence from the text to make a logical guess
Analogy When and where a story takes place.
Cause and Effect Statements that can be proven vs. a writer's belief
Author's Purpose - Description The author shows how things are similar and different
Author's Purpose - Compare and Contrast A statement that will apply to everything.
Author's Purpose - Problem / Solution A word that makes a sound
Sequence The point of the greatest interest or suspense; the changing point
Dialogue Additional information about the main idea
Narration The emotional effect a poem or story has on the reader
Figurative vs. Literal Language An interruption of the action to view the past vs. the writer providing hints that suggest the future
Simile The author presents information; textbooks
Metaphor A very exaggerated, unbelievable made-up story
Idiom The narrator is not a character in the story; uses he, she, they
Personification A story that teaches a life lesson
Hyperbole When words don't mean what they say vs. words that mean exactly what they say
Onomatopoeia The lesson(s) learned after reading in a literary work
Alliteration A story passed down over many generations often including animals
Synonyms vs. Antonyms Begins after the exposition; the conflict is introduced
Main Idea The beginning of a story when the characters and setting are introduced
Supporting Details  A made-up story that seems very real
Plot A made-up story usually about future things such as outer space, aliens
Exposition Occurs after the climax when the the reader begins to put the pieces together
Rising Action The problem of the story.
Climax Making something nonhuman take on human qualities
Falling Action A story that is short enough to read in one setting and revolves around a single event vs. a much longer and complex story
Resolution The event that happens first leading to something else happening
Conflict Persuading others by causing them to feel sadness, empathy, or humor.
Static Character The act of telling a story.
Dynamic Character The ways advertisers try to persuade large numbers of people
Setting The author uses words to create a picture by appealing to the reader's senses
Theme When several words begin with the same consonant sound
Context Clues Using numbers and graphs to persuade others
Mood The end of a story; the problem is solved;
Technical Text Using flowery words to make something seem better than it is
Persuasive Text Understanding the meaning of words by the clues the writer provides in the text.
Expository Text The author provides the reader solutions to problems
Narrative Text A character that does change.
Fiction vs. Nonfiction A made-up story vs. a story that is real
Realistic Fiction The narrator is a character in the story; uses I, me, we, us
Science Fiction A true story of a person's life told by another person vs. a true story of a person's life told by the person
Historical Fiction An extreme exaggeration, often humorous
Folktale Persuading others by showing that something works for regular people so it would for me too
Tall Tale The author tries to convince the reader to do something or believe something
Fable  Events in order chronologically
Biography vs. Autobiography Text written in verses not in complete sentences following a pattern; may or may not rhyme
Generalization Comparing two things using like or as
Poem  When a famous person or expert endorses a product
Short Story vs. Novel A made-up story that is based around a real historical event.
Propaganda The author tells how to perform a task; recipes, instructions
Glittering Generalities Comparing two things without using like or as
Testimonials The events of a story in order from the beginning to the end
Statistics The author tells a story with the purpose of entertaining the reader
Bandwagon A character that doesn't change.
Appeal to Emotions two things that are alike therefore two other things are alike
Plain Folk An expression that means something different than what it says

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