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LIT 2020


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Legend of Sleepy Hollow Steinbeck
Ministers Black Veil Jen
Murders in the Rue Morgue cisneros
Bartleby, the Scrivener viramontes
Flight Hammett
Bernice Bobs her Hair proulx
My old Man Alexie
The Killers Hemingway
The Gutting of Couffignal Elison
Red Wind Saunders
Good Country People Bellow
That Evening Sun oats
Backberry Winter Burroughs
HitchHikers Irving
Battle Royal Poe
Sweat roth
Ace in the hole O'connor
death of justina Chandler
How i contemplated cheever
Johnny panic Warren
Welcome to the monkey house Welty
The Priest they called him smith
the moths plath
Never marry a mexican Hawthorn
Yellow Woman Melville
Lone Ranger Faulkner
Silver Dish Fitzgerald
Defender of the faith Silko
In america Society updike
Cathedral durban
Soon Hemingway
Half skinned steer Carver
Puppy Vonnegut
Big week Hurston

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