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Voc. Quiz #5 Islam

1Muhammad  _____The holy city of Islam
2Oasis _____A holy shrine in Makka
3caravan _____to move from one place to another
4intense _____The prophet of Islam, messanger of god.
5Makka _____an extreme degree
6Kaaba _____Capital city of the Byzantine Empire.
7Transport _____The leader of a tribe
8Sheikh _____to use
9Qu'ran _____Arab shepherd who move from place to place looking for oasis
10Beduoin _____Byzantine emperor who wanted to bring back the glory of the Roman Empire
11utilize _____Green area in the desert with underground water
12Justinian _____The wife of Justinian who reformed laws to help Byzantine women.
13Theodora _____group of merchants traveling in the desert
14constantinopla _____The holy book of Islam.

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